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SummaryChildren from around the world and their animal friends learn important lessons about themselves and others.
StatsGenre: Picture book fable (Aesop-style)
Series length: Six books Violence: None, though there might be some scary situations Magic/Supernatural: Typical of fables, the animals are given human characteristics and the ability to talk Romance: None Christian/spiritual element: Subtle moral-of-the-story Recommendation: Kids who love animals and exotic locations |
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Saturday night arrived. Animals gathered around a little pond in a wood. They found comfy places to sit. Quiet clouds drifted across the cool white moon. Soon, the most wonderful sounds began. |
Henry and the Bullfrog
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Kirima gazed at the sky. The northern lights would soon shine in colorful brilliance, and she looked forward to watching. But something even more exciting was coming. |
Kirima and Her Arctic Friends
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Matias crept through the bushes. He stepped in soft patches of dirt so his bare toes wouldn't crunch leaves and twigs to reveal his hiding place. |
Matias and the Railroad Worm
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Shadows grew long on the mountainside, and Nyima tugged at his yak's rope. "Come, Yeshe. Let's hurry. I want to reach the thicket of goji berries before it gets dark." |
Nyima and the Blue Bear
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Fennec Fox sat with his friend, Takema, in the cool shade of the date palm. The morning breeze still blew, but soon it would be time for Fennec Fox to go to his burrow and escape the hot sun. |
Takema and the Fennec Fox
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Tahnee added one more dab of paint to her canvas. "What do you think, Peacock Spider?" "How beautiful!" Peacock Spider waved his front feet. "Did you use every color in your paintbox?" |
Tahnee and the Peacock Spider