Character Profile
A dystopian series about young woman who is convinced she is about to die.
Genre: YA (16+) dystopian (future world gone wrong)
Series length: Three books
Violence: Strong violence
Magic/Supernatural: Mostly unexplained technology
Romance: Moderate
Christian/spiritual element: Overt allegorical elements
Recommendation: Those who enjoy intensely plotted, slightly dark-edged dystopian stories
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Hunger Games
Series length: Three books
Violence: Strong violence
Magic/Supernatural: Mostly unexplained technology
Romance: Moderate
Christian/spiritual element: Overt allegorical elements
Recommendation: Those who enjoy intensely plotted, slightly dark-edged dystopian stories
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Hunger Games
Opening Lines:
There was once a time when only God knew the day you'd die. At least that's what they tell me. I wasn't alive then--back when life bore adventure and death held surprise. I guess God decided to share the coveted knowledge. Either that, or we stole it from Him. Personally, I think He just gave the world what it thought it wanted: control. My thin rectangular Clock sits on the carved shelf across the room, clicking its red digital numbers--red like blood. Today marks the first day of my last year alive. |
A Time to Die (Out of Time, Book 1)
Opening Lines:
I've been robbed of my death. A date was set, a coffin prepared, and a grzve dug in the earth, yet I breathe against my own will as my brother is lowered six feet down. The smooth wood coffin displays the best of Father's carpentry skill. Did he originally carve it for me? Enforcers surround the gravesite--black human pillars lined with bullets, staring straight ahead. Probably making sure I don't run. Solomon Hawke is not among them. |
A Time to Speak (Out of Time, Book 2)
Opening Lines:
I wake in a coffin. The beep of my own flatline is fresh in my memory. What's going on? Where am I? Why am I . . . not dead? My arms press against walls of wood. My hot breath rebounds off the underside of the coffin lid, hitting my face. Flashes. Glimpses of memories. I can't remember. Something happened to me--something traumatic. Something powerful. My emotions are drained, but I can't pinpoint why I'm here. ARISE. |
A Time to Rise (Out of Time, Book 3)